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Inner City // Carrion Land

Inspector Lestrade
The Hidden Spring
Amazing Pan-Sensei
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  MochaLatte Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:06 am

Emilia Melchiott

The Valkyur

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 5414712073_ab3a952a0e

"Lesson one... Tracking someone down." Emilia said as she turned around with her new armor on. She looked amazing in it. Like the dark night of old, but it was really high tech. "We're going to be looking for a member... Who lost her way and is all alone. We're getting her back." Emilia said as she threw a knife over to the bed. "And knife training... Through out walking I want you to be swinging this thing until you can hear a whistling sound." Emilia said as she put a hood on her head, and smiled down at Chelsea. Her lance glowed for a moment, Emilia was checking the settings. Oh... Did she forget to mention that this one shot lasers, and had electric pulses? Yeaaaaah, it does... "Let's head out..."

"Justice, Peace, and Love must be protected! And I will stop at nothing to protect Law and ORDER! FOR JUSTICE! TO ARMS!"
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:11 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Chelsea36_zpsb6e7e75c

Chelsea Mercy
The Comeback Kid
"Just you wait! I'll show you that I can protect the people that I care about!"

Chelsea nodded to Emilia, then picked up the knife from the bed, testing its weight. It felt just a little bit heavy...but that was probably because she wasn't used to handling weapons.
"Okay, let's go!" Chelsea used her free hand to turn out the light in the room, then followed after Emilia.


Chelsea's Theme - Comeback Kid
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  The Hidden Spring Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:15 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 KatEdit_zps308229f9

Katherine McLowen

"The Punk Angel"

Kat's Theme: Reach out for the Truth

Kat sighed. This sucked. Now she actually had to do stuff...and interact with people. She wasn't sure what to do though, since frankly, she knew no one...still. She decided to just play her guitar until she got orders. Everyone was busy...she didn't want to disturb them. This was one of the negative sides of being late in the game.

I'll show you what I got! Let's rock!

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Divider_guitar
The Hidden Spring
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Not Manchee Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:19 am

The Girl Who Would Be Armageddon

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ivyarma_zps79701e93

Ivy didn't wait to see how the other two would react, when she saw Pugsy basically trying to drown himself, the greenette threw herself at the man, tackling him to try and get his head out of the water. She threw Pugsy to the ground, which probably wasn't good, but it was better than him drowning, then kneeled on his chest.


She yelled at him, her old personality kicking back in. Ivy wagged a finger at him.


She crossed her arms and pouted at him, clearly upset that he had almost killed himself with derpness.
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:39 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Pugsy_zpse2fc4e7f

Pugsy Marcone
Like a Star @ heaven__________________________________________________________________________________________Like a Star @ heaven 

Pugsy suddenly gasped for air as he was thrown to the ground by Ivy, which was pretty impressive considering this was Pugsy "Gaaaaah! Wait! Ivy-!" touch overload again, even if it was tackling. Pugsy looked up at Ivy as she kneeled on his chest and yelled at him "Uh... uh... well... sorry!" he apologized to her, turning red, not from the touching, but for apologizing to Ivy. He was pretty embarrassed that he had almost killed himself and Ivy made it worse on him "I-Ivy... I promise I won't hurt myself anymore... o-okay? And we can watch Dumbo..." he told her, trying to reassure her with a smile "Also... are the pancakes done?" he still didn't realize that the ingredients weren't proper for a pancake, take notes everyone, Pugsy can't cook for shit.

Like a Star @ heaven__________________________________________________________________________________________Like a Star @ heaven
"Aye! Call me Pugsy, or Greatness! Two rules: Don't mess with Big Bro, and don't mess with his sister! If you do any of that I'll bash your head in! Okay?"
Pugsy Theme - Rhythmical Bustle

Amazing Pan-Sensei
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:42 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder33_zps5c2c4939

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

Ryder watched Pugsy and Ivy as they talked, and smiled slightly. He had been about to try to get Pugsy's head out of the water, but Ivy had beaten him to the punch--or rather, to the tackle. He was really glad that they were getting along so well...

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Not Manchee Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:46 am

The Girl Who Would Be Armageddon

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ivyarma_zps79701e93

Ivy pouted for a bit more as Pugsy apologized, but when he promised not to hurt himself anymore, all was better and she smiled at him.


She cried randomly, before Pugsy said "pancakes". Pancakes...And the sanity was back, leaving Ivy awkwardly on Pugsy's chest, which made her go redder than Pugsy. She scrambled up and sat on the counter again, bringing her knees to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

"Sorry 'bout that..."

She said to Pugsy, then looked at Ryder and Jo apologetically also, since this random crazy switching wasn't too helpful for anyone...
Not Manchee
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  robert200110 Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:58 am

Ariadne Blitz (Scath)
Purple Knight
Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 1201487411_pictures12_zpsfb0a08a4

Ariadne finished her practice and began to make her way to her quarters when she heard a guitar. She decided to go and investigate where it was coming from, happening upon Kat. She had seen her before, but she hadn't been able to talk to her. Ariadne just stood there, quietly listening to the music.
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:34 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Thebossiest_zps96900929

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else.


The smile she wore when interacting with Ivy seemed to fade slowly as she listened to her. "... Oh." She muttered sadly, averting her gaze. That`s what she was afraid would happen. She rubbed the back of her neck, eye flickering back down to Ivy. "Yeah, I... um, got that. My name is Josephine. Everyone calls me Jo." She forced a small smile towards the girl, although the feeling of re-introducing herself was undoubtedly painful. "And I`m sort of not your real mom. Sorry." She continued to inform her, uncrossing her arms and letting them dangle idly at her sides. There was a time about a month ago where she took flight offense to being called 'mom' by Elliot and Ivy, but needless to say she had gained quite a bit of closure. She reminded herself of her earlier suspicions; there was nothing stopping this Ivy from reverting back into Armageddon and trying to kill them all again. After all, it was the Inquisitor that brought her back from the dead. And as much as she didn`t want to admit it since the thought of her finishing him off was just so much more satisfying; but he was probably still around as well.

She looked back over her shoulder at Ryder, listening to him with a small frown. "Hah, so it`s your fault --" Her gaze snapped back to Pugsy, a muffled choking sound escaping her as she saw the boy literally attempting to drown himself in the sink. She reached her hand out, about to stop him when Ivy did the job for him. She paused, watching as Ivy kneeled on his chest. "..." Her expression was wide-eyed, but somewhat unreadable. Watch Dumbo? She continued to watch, inspecting Pugsy in particular. She eyed the apparent blush on his face and her eye seemed to slowly narrow as her mind worked. It was not a secret that Pugsy didn`t really have a way with the opposite sex. She`d seen him stammer pathetically in Emilia`s and Bunny`s presence (But for some reason never her own?). But this wasn`t his normal nervousness. He looked... smitten. Ivy looked almost equally so.

Jo`s fists clenched as she suddenly walked over to Pugsy who laid on the ground still, suddenly grabbing him roughly by the front of his shirt and pulling him up on his feet again. She pinned him against the fridge, recoiling her fist. "I swEAR TO GOD YOU GREASY SCUMBAG IF YOU TOUCH HER I WILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT WITH MY OWN HANDS." She didn`t ship it. No, She didn`t ship it at all.

She had been too busy inflicting her wrath upon poor Pugsy that she hadn`t heard Ivy`s apology, and she definitely did not notice the man in a coat and fedora approach her from behind. "Excuse me, Boss?" "WHAT." She barked, drowning out the rest of his sentence. Her facial expression softened as she released Pugsy, tossing him rather ungracefully as she did. She took the letter handed to her, examining it curiously. Just as she looked back up from the letter to ask the deliverer about it, he was gone. With a soft shrug, she cautiously opened the letter, unfolding it before beginning to scan it carefully. Her pupils dilated, being swallowed whole by her single iris. She raised a hand to cover her mouth as she read, her heart palpitating yet again. The Family was inviting her to a formal party. A supposed gathering between all the biggest names in No Man's Land, or rather the leaders of all the factions. Now, considering her latest interaction with the Family being that her best friend had arrived unannounced in their base, informed her that she slaughtered her own allies, had been booted from Paladin and that The Family wanted her dead, resulting in one of the most horrible panic attacks she had ever experienced in her life as her friend prodded a gun against her temple and threatened to kill her while another friend dragged her subconscious through an array of memories that contained images of some more friends getting impaled through the heart by a lance. And through that all, the only thing Jo could think about was the stories she`d heard about The Kingpin. He mutilated a man`s mother and sent bits and pieces of her corpse in the mail. That wasn`t even the most terrifying realization of that whole experience. Regardless, you couldn`t blame her for assuming that this was an invitation to her death. "What... What the hell kind of morbid bullshittery is...?"

She held the letter in shaky hands, her throat seeming to close on her as she again lost the capability to form words. Her sight flickered between Ryder and the words inscribed on the letter. It did say she was permitted one guest...  

❝ Jo`s Theme - I Always Kill The Things I Love ❞

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Joedit_zps5e00fac1
Amazing Pan-Sensei
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:42 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder33_zps5c2c4939

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

Ryder hastily walked over to Pugsy, holding out a hand and helping the poor man back up onto his feet after he had been tossed aside by Jo. He patted Pugsy's shoulder a bit, trying to let him know that it'd be alright.
As Jo made her comment on the letter, Ryder looked over at her, and seeing how offput she seemed by the letter, his eyebrows raised slightly. Oh God, what was happening this time...?

"Wh...What's wrong, Jo...?" He spoke quietly, then walked over to her.

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  MochaLatte Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:45 am

Rosa Oeste

The Dessert Rose
Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Tumblr_m2g36cI2T91qg53nto1_500

Rosa came back to this place that she currently called a home. She had to live somewhere... And Vulture seemed like the best bet. She supported them with her own army, but after she was done what she needed to do she was off to Mexico to finish the job she started. No joke. Most people knew this already, and they also knew that she would fight for them when she was needed. She looked around and sighed. What could she do today after morning her brother's death? "Hola Senorta. What is the matter?" Rosa asked the Boss since what else was she going to ask about.

"Mi nombre es Rose West, mi hermano mayor es Diego West. Encabecé la revolución a lo largo de lado porque tuvo un sueño... Ahora tengo un sueño. Mi sueño es para vengar su muerte y continuar con el movimiento en México! Voy a hacer todo en mi poder para hacerlo!"
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Emu Queen Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:27 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Thebossiest_zps96900929

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else.


Jo reread the letter multiple times, as if making sure this wasn`t some joke. She was trembling again; she brought a shaky hand to her forehead, pushing her blue bangs out of the way of her limited vision. She heard Ryder`s and Rosa`s voices and seemed to jump, both hands on the letter again. She opened her mouth to speak to them both, but nothing came out the first attempt. She tried again, with almost as unsuccessful results. "I-It`s... They`re gonna..." She muttered, frowning as she decided she`d just give up. Jo instead simply handed the letter to Ryder, waiting a moment for him to let the information sink in before tapping the part that stated she was allowed one guest. Of course she`d pick Ryder; her second in command had at a gathering of all the faction leaders! And if it did really end up being an attempt at her life, she definitely trusted the redhead to be by her side.  

❝ Jo`s Theme - I Always Kill The Things I Love ❞

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Joedit_zps5e00fac1
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:33 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder33_zps5c2c4939

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

A bit uneasy at how unnerved Jo seemed to be, Ryder carefully took the letter and began reading it, going through each and every line carefully. A party in Highend...? And Jo was going...with one guest. He was glad that she could have a guest...that would at the very least help to keep her safe...
He quickly finished reading the letter, then looked to Jo. The woman looked petrified. This poor woman was just having a horrible day, wasn't she...?

"Who are you going to bring...?"
In all honesty, he was hoping that he'd be the one to go. Earlier, he had said that he would protect Jo from The Family, and he wanted to be able to stand by that promise.

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  The Hidden Spring Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:35 am

[quote="The Hidden Spring"]
Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 KatEdit_zps308229f9

Katherine McLowen

"The Punk Angel"

Kat's Theme: Reach out for the Truth

"I say take Ryder. He could use the time away." Kat said, giving her insight. "We can handle all this. No problem." she said, saluting and smiling.

I'll show you what I got! Let's rock!

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Divider_guitar
The Hidden Spring
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Emu Queen Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:54 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Thebossiest_zps96900929

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else.


Jo watched Ryder`s eyes scan through the letter carefully, she meanwhile twirled a strand of blue hair around one of her fingers. She`d have to bring a gun. Her Revolver, at least. If anyone tried anything she`d just blast their head off and run. That was the plan. Not a very well organized one considering the Don wasn`t dumb enough to be in a room with some of the most dangerous people in the city and not have some sort of backup. Or at least 70 ways to kill all of them on the spot. She shuddered a bit at the thought, being brought back into reality by Ryder`s voice. She hesitated. Surely, he wouldn`t get the wrong idea. However, she was always bad at things like this. Before she could open her mouth, Kat took the words right out of her. Jo smiled faintly, "I... trust that you can. Are you okay with that, Ryder?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow slightly. Would someone like him even own formal wear? ... Did she own formal wear? Crap. 

❝ Jo`s Theme - I Always Kill The Things I Love ❞

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Joedit_zps5e00fac1
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  robert200110 Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:58 am

Arron Blitz
Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 AnimeRedheadTrenchcoatGuy

Striker entered, noticing that everyone seem... out of sorts, so he made his way over to the group. "What's happening here?" He was somewhat surprised by The Bosses horrified face. He hadn't ever seen her look so.... scared?
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:15 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder33_zps5c2c4939

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

Ryder looked at Kat, then Jo, blinking for a moment, then smiled. So, he was the one who was going after all...he felt bad about the fact that he actually felt a bit relieved.
"Sure, Jo--I'd love to go with you," he nodded to her. "I'm pretty sure that I've got a suit back in my should change, and up at the entrance, alright? I'll see you there!" Unable to wipe that dorky little smile from his face, he headed off down the hallway, towards his room. Once he got there, he went inside and closed the door, then crossed over to his closet, rooting through it, until...aha! A suit! He really had one! Good.
After changing into it, he did a quick check in the mirror...yup, everything seemed to be in order! As he looked at himself in the mirror, he found it kind of odd...generally, dances related to dates, which related to girlfriends, and yet...he really didn't feel uncomfortable. At all. Even though that kind of stuff made him anxious as hell thanks to triggers...he felt perfectly fine with this. He straightened his tie once more, then began thinking on whether he could hide any weapons with him or not...Well, the bat was a no-go. Way too big. Same with the baseballs... He opened the top drawer on his desk, revealing a small handgun he had gotten at some point during the previous month--no doubt with fighting Kraven in mind when he had done so. He made sure that the safety was on on the gun, then carefully slipped it into his jacket, putting it into a spot where it wouldn't slip or fall out. He moved again, taking one last look at himself in the mirror, then looked over at the tiny plant that was sitting on his desk.

"Wish me luck, Ivy."
He turned, taking one last deep breath, then heading out of the door and into the hallway, shutting the door behind him. One last thing to do--any good dance-date-thing always brought their companion a gift! ...That was a thing, right? Either way, he walked to an entirely different part of the base...the plant sanctuary. He walked into the room, heading over to a pot of freshly grown flowers that he had been working on growing. After taking care of Hank's final baby, Ryder had really started to get a liking for taking care of plants.
He carefully cut a few of the flowers, then, with a bit of work at the table, made a large bouquet of the blossoms. It didn't look perfect...but it would do. He picked up the bouquet, then headed off to the entrance--by the time that he finally got there, he was pretty worried that he'd be late, since he had taken the extra time with the bouquet...

"I'm here--sorry that took so long!"

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder43_zpsc11f43ca

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Emu Queen Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:05 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Thebossiest_zps96900929

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else.


Jo jumped at Striker`s sudden voice, stammering momentarily as she attempted to answer him. She hoped someone else would do it for her, since at the moment she was kind of preoccupied with Ryder. "Um, yeah! ... Thank you!" She replied quickly to him, attempting to shrug off her remaining anxiety. Ok. Ryder was going. That was good. Did she actually thank him? She seriously needed to fix that social interaction thing. She was becoming another Elliot. Offering the remaining Vultures a sheepish smile, she said "I, uh... Guess I should be going then. Take care." She nodded, and left to her room.

Once there, she closed and locked the door behind her, sighing deeply. Right. She made her way over to her closet, examining it`s contents. She had... a lot of suits. Like, a lot of suits. Nowadays, she never really felt comfortable in women`s clothing. She`d been that way since she joined Paladin. She did, however, like to have her suits tailored specifically to remind others that she was indeed still a woman. People usually forgot regardless. She had a taste for brighter suits, which was considered business casual instead of formal. She`d actually be under dressed for once. That was new. After continuing to tunnel through the contents of her closet, she found something that might work. It was crumpled on the floor, so Jo picked it up and examined it closely. A sleek, blue sleeveless dress. Ew. When was the last time she wore something like this? She tried to recall, a frown appearing on her face as she remembered her previous line of work. Right, she was a lounge singer. Hopefully it still fit. She had definitely gained... a lot of muscle since then. Like, a lot of muscle. With a reluctant sigh, Jo changed into it, inspecting herself in the mirror afterwards.

... Gross, she mentally commented. She flexed her right arm in her reflection, frowning at it. Her suits usually concealed stuff like that. "This is so stupid..." She muttered, slipping on some black heels she kept around. She tied a small blue ribbon around her ankle, hoping to add a bit of femininity to herself. It kind of worked? Definitely maybe. She tugged awkwardly at the dress in several places. Things like this weren`t her forte; heck, she even skipped her prom! Claus and her had much more fun than they ever would have if they went, though. Made myself sad... With another exasperated sigh, Jo attempted to put a bit of makeup onto her face, using up the scarce amount that she still had. Now the most important part; she pulled her revolver from her drawer, a small smirk on her face as she examined it. She missed this thing! She hadn`t used it in a month, having switched over to her tommy gun. But, this was much more compact and easier to hide. The blunette looked back at her mirror. She slowly fell into a pose; cocking her handgun and arching one leg. "... The name`s Beaumont. Jo Beaumont." Alright, enough embarrassing yourself. She slipped her revolver into a garter on her thigh, draping her dress over to conceal it afterwards. After hesitating and simply pacing in circles for a few minutes, she left the privacy of her room and walked rather quickly through the base to make it to the entrance. The less people saw her like this, the better.

Surprisingly, when she reached the entrance, her guest was not yet there. The girl actually took less time to get ready. Only Ryder, man. Only Ryder. She leaned against the wall, idly twirling long strands of hair around her fingers again until she heard the hollow echo of footsteps. She turned in the direction of the sound, smiling warmly as she caught sight of her redheaded companion. She eyed the bouquet of flowers, her smile growing. That must have been what kept him. "Yeah, don`t worry about it. You clean up nicely." Jo commented, crossing her arms over her chest. She paused for a moment, looking back at the bouquet. "... Are those, like...?" She honestly had no idea how to complete that sentence.   

❝ Jo`s Theme - I Always Kill The Things I Love ❞

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Joformalbabe_zpsf770223a
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:22 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder43_zpsc11f43ca

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

"Ah--hey, thanks!" Ryder said in response to her compliment, a slight bashful blush coming over his face. He hadn't worn this suit in years--in all honesty, he hadn't been really sure if he could actually pull it off, but apparently it was working! Then she asked about the flowers--he had almost forgotten that he had been holding them! "Oh! Um--they're--they're for you, yeah," he gave a small, embarrassed laugh, and held out the bouquet to her. "I figured that you deserved something nice, after today...y-you're not allergic, right?" Crap, he hadn't thought about that! What if she was allergic?! But, she wasn't sneezing or hopefully she was alright. For the first time since he had arrived, he actually looked at Jo straight on, and took in her appearance. "Y-You...You look really nice, Jo." He smiled at her, but he could tell that he was blushing again! So much blushing...! Maybe he could make an excuse of just having naturally rosy cheeks. That it ran in the family. Or something. Yeah. That sounded legit.

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Emu Queen Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:07 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Joformalbabe_zpsf770223a

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else. ↯


Jo attempted to repress her wide smile; it wasn`t working. Not at all. She rubbed her arm nervously. This was definitely sort of new to her. She blinked a few times as he offered her the bouquet of flowers, eye flickering between him and the bouquet as if waiting for him say 'just kidding!' and fling it over his shoulder. No such thing happened. "I, uh -- Wow. Thanks." She said somewhat shyly, taking the flowers into her hands. Man, they smelt awesome. Would that be weird to say? Probably. She looked back up at Ryder, grinning at him sheepishly. "N-No! I`m not. It`s okay!" She tried to assure him, her smile faltering a bit as he mentioned the events that transpired earlier. Right. She briefly wondered if she`d see Henry in High End. Possibly other friends from Paladin that would surely look down on her now. Her gaze was shifting to the ground at the thought; but, she perked as she heard Ryder speak again. "Oh, seriously?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as if she truly didn`t believe him. "I mean-- like, thanks! Again. I`m surprised at how good a suit fits you, honestly! You`re still a dork, but y'know, in a nice way." So flattering. She wasn`t sure how well a showy dress truly fitted her, but she`d take his word for it. Jo held her bouquet in one hand, offering her other arm for him to link with. "Shall we be off?"  

❝ Jo`s Theme - I Always Kill The Things I Love ❞
★☆﹙ l e t    t h e    p u n i s h m e n t    f i t    t h e    c r i m e ﹚
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:15 am

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Ryder43_zpsc11f43ca

Ryder Mercy
"We still have a chance. I can’t give up now.”

"I'll take that as a compliment," Ryder grinned, laughing lightly at her dork comment. Yeah, he knew he was a dork--he wasn't about to change, though, he was too used to being dorky. It came too naturally at this point. Though honestly, he felt really flattered--he didn't think that he actually looked good in the suit--even if in a dorky way. And he really did think that Jo looked beautiful--her dress suited her perfectly. He interwove his arm with Jo's, then looked at her, his grin turning into a more gentle smile. "Ready when you are."
Once he got the signal from Jo that she was ready, the two of them headed for the entrance, then out of Carrion Land, on their way to the banquet party in Highend.

*Exit Ryder and Jo*

Ryder's Theme - Burn My Dread (Reincarnation)
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Post  MochaLatte Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:11 pm

Rosa Oeste

The Dessert Rose
Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Tumblr_m2g36cI2T91qg53nto1_500

Rosa looked confused all throughout. "... Um... What just happened? A fiesta or something?" Rosa said with a frown. She wasn't sure who to talk to. She didn't really make any friends here, so she spotted a purple haired girl. "Um... Hola." she said to the little girl.

"Mi nombre es Rose West, mi hermano mayor es Diego West. Encabecé la revolución a lo largo de lado porque tuvo un sueño... Ahora tengo un sueño. Mi sueño es para vengar su muerte y continuar con el movimiento en México! Voy a hacer todo en mi poder para hacerlo!"
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:15 pm

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Bravery14_zps10216a5b

Bravery Valentine
"To see the people I care about free and happy...I'll fight until my very last breath."

Bravery listened well to Gabriel, then nodding when he got his answer. "Ohhh...I get it..." After a little while, Bravery finally let go and took a step back, grinning at Gabriel. "Alright, well--I say that it's about time for us to get out of this infirmary! We've been in here for like...ever...for all we know, we could've been hugging for like an hour or something!" He gave a laugh, then trotted over to the door. "Coming, Gabriel?"

Bravery's Theme - Declaration of War
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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Skylark-13 Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:31 pm

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Mizuki23_zps4bab51b1

Gabriel Winters
"All is fair in love and war..."

Smiling happily and content to just hold and hug Bravery for as long as he could, Gabriel let him decide when to pull away, and when he finally did he relaxed against his bed again. "Er... right..." Paling a little at the thought of actually getting up, he took a deep breath and watched Bravery walk to the door. He made it look so easy... "I doubt we were hugging an hour," he added, while slowly sitting up. He was careful- since really, he hadn't even moved much. He was pretty sore, but he gritted his teeth and ignored it, instead sliding his legs over the side of the bed and slowly, carefully getting to his feet. He swayed on his feet for a moment before staring down at himself. "... A shirt would be helpful. I didn't realize..." Shaking his head, he examined the distance between him and Bravery. He still felt so weak, and it looked so far... Swallowing roughly, he slowly started to walk, placing a hand on Bravery's shoulder to steady himself when he finally reached him. "... I made it... can we take it a little slower for now though...? I need to get my balance back..."

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Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Empty Re: Inner City // Carrion Land

Post  Akikazemoon Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:58 pm

Inner City // Carrion Land - Page 22 Bravery14_zps10216a5b

Bravery Valentine
"To see the people I care about free and happy...I'll fight until my very last breath."

"You also need to get your shirt back," Bravery grinned at him, then darted away for a moment to where the medics had laid out a clean shirt for Gabriel to use. He grabbed it, then went back over to Gabriel, pulling the shirt down over his head. "There we go."

Bravery's Theme - Declaration of War
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