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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

The Hidden Spring
Not Manchee
Emu Queen
Amazing Pan-Sensei
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:28 pm

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 ArmlessKraven_zps2f300db8

Father Death

Kraven Looked at the Pimp Mobile Go Kart, he wasn't going to ask any questions. Matter a fact, he was happy, with these two alive, there was plenty of future warfare to look forward too! Kraven had another reason to live! It was time to fight for a future... a future with even more bloodshed and violence! Kraven moved the knife to the ed of his mouth to talk "I would of never thought that I'd be saved by you two... heh..." he grinned, he jumped atop the Pimp Mobile Go Kart. He wasn't done quite yet "I hope you two both know that I'm not done... I want to get to that bastard... how about it...? Drive me up to the ladder of the blimp... let me at him..." he asked Jo and Jade, he wasn't sure if he could end this, but he could at least try to bring down that blimp, it would make it easier for everyone to retreat, possibly even kill The Inquisitor. He saw Wynn getting ready to make one last final stand himself, heh, he earned Kraven's respect, he never expected that out of the man.

"DEATH! Death is my father! My brother! Death is everything to me!"
Father Death Theme - This Fight is To The Strong
Amazing Pan-Sensei
Amazing Pan-Sensei
Ruler of Newts
Ruler of Newts

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Emu Queen Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:37 pm

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Joeventedit_zpsb278a6d2

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else


Jo smiled, watching the interaction between Jade and Kraven. You could actually feel the sexual tension in the air, mostly coming from Jade. Her smile turned into a grin, seeing Jade wave to the ice cream truck. She eyed the little redheaded girl, who called out for her 'daddy' jovially. "Your daughter?" She asked, not really expecting an answer. She heard Ryder call her name, making her heart skip a beat. He saw her! Now everyone would be assured she was alive! She was going to wave at him, when she saw him arguing with Wynn. She watched the Ice cream truck drive away, leaving Wynn. She didn`t even have time to question what was going on when Kraven jumped atop the Pimp Mobile, making Jo visibly frown. He was going to break it! And he wanted to actually bring down the blimp? Bringing down something like that with no arms and a knife in his mouth seemed pretty standard for Kraven, but she still hesitated. "You don`t even have arms!" She called to him, not driving yet until she got a confirmation from Jade. 

Jo and Claus theme - The State of Dreaming
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
Champion of Newts
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  The Hidden Spring Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:41 pm

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 A0d621cd0369fd3cf83a2ddcb20f069d2a8c183c_zps7c3d462f


"I'm sorry, I don't speak stupid bitch." she said, and shot at her, while the footman were also a problem. She felt two bullets go into her human arm, while she killed at least 6 via a knife. Bunny was hurting, and retreating seemed more and more liked a good idea. She saw that Jo and Jade were alive, and she smiled. She knew it. She kept fighting, taking as many people on as she could.

Meanwhile, Atticus shot another seige cannon shot at the camp, causing a massive explosion. He grinned, and then laughed. No fucks were given.


Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Untitled-3
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  MochaLatte Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:50 pm

Jade Fentom

Codename: Doctor Feel Good

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 E3ae9a48-05d7-4c86-b24a-3e423ffb5699

Jade nodded before turning to her, sunglasses still on his face. "Promise me that you won't target her. Even I don't go after children." Jade said in a dead serious tone. If Jo ever came after Dorthy Jade will not only rape Jo, but he would tear off every finger nail, cut off all her hair, shred her hat, have every member in the organization have their way with her, and pretty much just kill her. "You know what Kraven... I would say no... That is what I WOULD say if I wasn't pissed and was concerned that you couldn't do it... Get in... Let's do this." Jade said as he adjusted the glasses and gave Mocha a signal to drive off.

Mocha got the signal and began to drive off. "Go-tee man! Get in! Final warning! Dorthy... We're blowing this lemonade stand... Get into your seat belt." Mocha said and Dorthy put it on before Mocha drove off.

*Mocha, Gabriel, Bravery, Chef, Catherine, Dorthy Exit*

"My name is Doctor Fentom. If you want to know WHO I am then know this... I rape people... And then I take care of them for the next time we meet... Is that enough or do you want an example. Cause I see the perfect opportunity right in front of me."
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Akikazemoon Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:58 pm

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Ryder9_zps33e29a5f

Ryder Mercy
-Code Name: Curveball-

"Fuck...NO!" Ryder shouted, breaking free from the footmen who were trying to hold him down. Just as the ice cream truck began to drive away, he opened the doors, jumping out, stumbling a bit, then watching as it drove away, the footmen hurrying to close the swinging doors. He looked around...he couldn't see where Wynn was. But he could see Jo, Jade, and Kraven. He ran over to them, breathless when he finally got there. "God dammit, Kraven, you don't have any arms! Go home!" He sighed in anxiety, running a hand through his hair as he looked around, trying to locate Wynn. "God dammit...what do we do?" He looked to the three others, climbing up onto the Pimp Mobile Go Kart next to Kraven.

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:05 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 ArmlessKraven_zps2f300db8

Father Death

Kraven smiled at Jade as he agreed "I knew you'd like the idea of making that man suffer... I have a pretty good idea too. I think you two would love it... it's got knives, explosions, The Inquisitor suffering and wishing he'd never been bored..." he told Jade and Jo, he was very excited. They now had a mission: KILL THE INQUISITOR. And Kraven was going to die trying if he had to. Then Ryder just got in the pimp mobile go kart "Hello to you too Ryder." he responded quite calmly to his rival. This made the plan a whole lot easier "You're right.. I'm missing two arms... but now we have four hardened officers of Conqueror Worm and Vulture Team... plenty to take down a little shit like that." he told them. It was time to tell the plan "Jo... drive us to he blimp... be as violent as possible..." a rocket launcher suddenly dropped from Kraven's robes "Jade... grab this rocket launcher and stand on top of the car with me..." he told him "Ryder... when Jo stops, get out of the car and kill anyone that tries to kill Jo and stop the car when its stationary..." he explained his plan, a grin on his face "Me... I'll make sure that masked bastard doesn't shoot down Jade's rocket..." he finished his plan, then got down to grab the knife from the floor of the car, into his mouth. Kraven was ready now.

"DEATH! Death is my father! My brother! Death is everything to me!"
Father Death Theme - This Fight is To The Strong
Amazing Pan-Sensei
Amazing Pan-Sensei
Ruler of Newts
Ruler of Newts

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Emu Queen Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:08 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Joeventedit_zpsb278a6d2

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else


Jo raised an eyebrow at Jade. Her life dream was to protect people now to make the world a better place in the future, why would she ever kill a little girl? Even if she was the spawn of someone as horrific as Jade. "Who do you take me for? That guy?" She asked, gesturing to the Inquisitor. "I`m going to kill you. But, I wouldn`t use your daughter as bait." She would have actually liked to ask Jade more questions about Dorthy; how did she fare in No Man's Land, or if he even knew who the mom was. But now was definitely not the time. She watched with a frown as Jade allowed Kraven to go through with his plan. He didn`t have any arms! Ryder soon echoed her thoughts, and Jo smiled at him as he approached them. He didn`t even see him jump out of that moving vehicle. Damn. She put her hands back on the steering wheel, her fingers anxiously tapping against it. Her smile grew as she listened to Kraven`s plan. "Can do." She said in a low voice, stomping on the gas. She did exactly as he said; driving as violently as possible, running over as many footmen as possible. It was like heaven!   

Jo and Claus theme - The State of Dreaming
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  robert200110 Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:12 am

Arron Blitz
Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 AnimeRedheadTrenchcoatGuy

Arron avoided the blunettes attack by leaning under it, attempting to kick her as he shifted his weight. He heard the order to retreat, so her ran over to the motorcycle he had found earlier, picking it up and starting it. "Sorry to kick and run, but I've got to go." He sped off, away from baker street in the general direction of retreat.

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  MochaLatte Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:16 am

Jade Fentom

Codename: Doctor Feel Good

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Tumblr_m5yvtowljg1r64nhlo1_500

Jade had no doubt it his mind, "I am happy to hear that... No doubt you have questions... All in good time.." Jade said before he smiled like a madman. "Agreed... Well what are we waiting for? Let's give this man hell... Show him what it means to attack Worm and Vulture." Jade said as he took the rocket launcher and stood up with Kraven, taking off the sunglasses. "I hope that your plan works Kraven... By the way... What ARE you planning on doing with just a knife?" Jade asked as he aimed the Rocket Launcher, relishing in the power of the car running over people. He didn't want to say it, but Jo's driving was giving him a stiffy... What? He loved it when women went on a rampage that wasn't toward him. He loved that feeling of passion. "Your driving is simply marvelous..." Jade commented while licking his lips. He wanted to get a good shot.

"My name is Doctor Fentom. If you want to know WHO I am then know this... I rape people... And then I take care of them for the next time we meet... Is that enough or do you want an example. Cause I see the perfect opportunity right in front of me."
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Akikazemoon Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:27 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Wynn11_zpsee988e62

Wynn Stanton
-Code Name: Quicksilver-

Another. And another. Body after body fell in Wynn's path as he carved his way through the Inquisitor forces. But not without consequences...attacks were coming at him from all sides. Blood sprayed through the air, a mixture of his own and that of the Inquisitor footmen. He was doing it. He was holding them off. He'd seen the truck drive away...Ryder was safe...
And he was going to make sure that he stayed safe.
He finished taking down the Inquisitor footmen in that area...only to have another wave waiting for him right behind them. He bent over a bit to breathe for a moment, then looked up at them.
"You...won't get past me..." he said, his voice scattered and weak. "I won't let you...I won't let you hurt him...!"
He charged again, plunging straight into the wall of soldiers, knife at the ready, a battle cry leaving his mouth in a loud roar. Ripping and tearing through the Inquisitor footmen, determination welling up as tears in his eyes as he withstood injury after injury, his body somehow not failing him...
Suddenly, he felt the knife disarmed from his hand...and felt it being driven into his own gut, by one of the Inquisitor footmen. Then another knife. And another. As he stood there stunned, he felt more and more weapons being driven into him...up until he felt something hard connect with his forehead, sending him sprawling onto his back, the soldiers surrounding him.
And for one...strange moment...everything turned white. As he looked from where he lay...he knew he was hallucinating...but this was strange...didn't people usually see their life flash before their eyes...? As he looked across the white expanse, he saw crosses sticking out of the ground...tombstones...and blood littering the ground...and a person. A young boy, with white was him. A younger version of the same uniform of the elementary school that he and Ryder had gone to.
"Hey..." he said weakly, feeling blood leak from his mouth. The boy turned, looking at him with surprised, somewhat afraid eyes. "Don't be scared...come over here..." The young boy approached him, looking down at him. Wynn gave a tired, weak smile. "You're...going to have one hell of a life ahead of you, you know...? And you're going to person...that you care about, more than anything..." He coughed, more blood cascading from his mouth. " cherish that matter what...cherish him...while he's there..." He reached up a hand weakly, and the boy took it. "You still...have a chance...never...give up..." He blinked a few times, and suddenly, the whiteness was gone. The crosses were gone. The younger version of him was gone. He had his hand outstretched up into the air...and a soldier was above him, raising what looked like a spiked bat for the finishing blow. How ironic...
As he stared up to the sky above, the cloud cover seemed to part...and he saw the sun trickle in...for just a moment...before it was covered again. As the bat began to descend, everything seemed to move in slow motion.
'I know that I said that we'd escape together, Ryder...' Wynn thought, not having the strength to talk anymore. 'I have to break that promise...I'm sorry...but...I'll always be watching over you...' A small smile graced his lips again as a single tear fell from each of his eyes. 'Remember...I lo--'
His world went black. As his final thought faded, all he saw was that single face...Ryder...his last thought had him smiling...even in his final moments.

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  The Hidden Spring Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:29 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 A0d621cd0369fd3cf83a2ddcb20f069d2a8c183c_zps7c3d462f


Bunny knew fighting hand to hand was a bad idea. She took her arm and fired something out of it to the nearest upright building. It latched, and she flew to the roof, no problem. She took out her sniper rifle and started picking people off with it.
"It's up to you guys now." she said through a walkie. "Good Luck" then put the walkie down and kept shooting. She saw Wynn in trouble. "No..." and then saw his death. "Fuck...this...this is too much..." she said, but kept shooting from the distance.


Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Untitled-3
The Hidden Spring
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:36 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 ArmlessKraven_zps2f300db8

Father Death

Kraven stood on top of the Pimp mobile with Jade "Jade... if you would have told me that I was going to do this shit when I was a young man... I would have died laughing..." he muttered to the man with a smile. He saw Wynn make his final stand, a brave young man he was "Your a hell of a kid... a shame I never knew your name..." Kraven muttered, perhaps he'd learn it after this battle from Ryder. He seemed to be close to the man, Kraven watched as the sun rose, it was dawn "Well look at that... we've been killing each other all night... its day..." the man muttered with a smile. Then they finally reached the blimp, Kraven smiled. The man looked down to Ryder and Jo "See yah later, Ryder, Jo..." the man shot his arm up, Jo stopped the car. They were close enough now, and Code Talker was already firing on the car. Kraven looked to Jade "Lemma handle him! Once he's gone we're in the clear!" he yelled, then looked down at Ryder "RYDER! KILL EVERYONE THAT GETS NEAR THE CAR!" he yelled, referring to the near hundreds of people currently attacking them, after all, they were pretty much all that was left. Kraven jumped off the Pimp Mobile towards Code talker "SON OF A BITCH!" he yelled, he hit the man in the chest, causing the man to fall off the ladder of the blimp. Both of them fell to the ground violently rolling. Kraven began to slash at the man as his arms transformed into blades, the two engaged in a deadly duel. He was distracted now, Inquisitor had NO ONE to protect him now. Kraven continued to fight as him and Code Talker landed in the ground in front of Ivy, Kraven desperately trying to slash the man across the neck as the masked man attempted to get him off. Kraven yelled out in one final battle cry "THIS! IS! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"DEATH! Death is my father! My brother! Death is everything to me!"
Father Death Theme - This Fight is To The Strong
Amazing Pan-Sensei
Amazing Pan-Sensei
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Akikazemoon Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:48 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Ryder9_zps33e29a5f

Ryder Mercy
-Code Name: Curveball-

Ryder had been scanning the battlefield as they drove, clutching his bat tight. The moment he saw Wynn, he was going to tell that idiot to get his ass out of there...
At last, the car parked. Before he jumped out, Ryder looked around once more...and then, among the massive crowd, he saw Wynn. He was about to shout to him...but all in a moment, it was suddenly too late. Far too late.
Everything seemed to slow to a crawl. His eyes widened, staring. Kraven's voice sounded muffled, he was calling from miles away...
Wynn was dead...Wynn...had just died for him...

It started out as a shaky breath. But in just a moment...Ryder let out a roar that was a slurry of anger, sadness, all of his pain...
He jumped out of the car, not even feeling his rib hurting anymore as he charged at the Inquisitor soldiers that were approaching the vehicle. He swung at the first soldier's head...and it popped right off with a sickening rip. Blood sprayed out, splattering Ryder up and down...but that wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough. That would never be enough...! He swung again and again, not even realizing that hot, angry tears were spilling out from his eyes.
"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" he let out a pained yell as he circled the vehicle in a rage, brutally killing anyone who got close. He didn't even seem like the same person anymore...The silver, metal bat was slowly being dyed a dull crimson, as blood was awash on the ground. None of the Inquisitor footmen even managed to get close to the car. He stepped over corpses as more and more of the footmen charged, and more and more of them lost their lives to his bat.

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  MochaLatte Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:53 am

Jade Fentom

Codename: Doctor Feel Good

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Tumblr_m5yvtowljg1r64nhlo1_500

"That boy had balls... I salute you..." Jade said as he raised a hand to salute Wynn. Such passion, such determination. He could have used that in his team, but the potential was lost! "Go forth Kraven!" Jade yelled as he aimed. When Metal Face man was out of the Jade grinned at the Inquisitor. "Hello Inquisitor it's me Doctor Jade Fentom! I currently have your doom... Ready to take it up the ass?" Jade asked his tone darkened as he fired at the blimp where the Inquistor was with the rocket launcher. "Well as your neighborhood rapist I have to say... Too bad... THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO EVER TOUCH MY THINGS AGAIN!" he shouted with pure rage. He found the rage that Ryder held incredibly attractive, and understandable. Jade then realized he was in a car with three people he at least wanted one go with... Oh MY... If he didn't get one piece of ass besides Mocha's tonight or rather today he will be disappointed.

"My name is Doctor Fentom. If you want to know WHO I am then know this... I rape people... And then I take care of them for the next time we meet... Is that enough or do you want an example. Cause I see the perfect opportunity right in front of me."
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Emu Queen Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:05 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Joeventedit_zpsb278a6d2

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else


Jo tensed slightly, hearing Jade`s comment. ".. Thank." God, she could practically hear his boner. She continued to drive, swerving randomly at times enough to make everyone on the Pimp Mobile shift at least a little. She stopped focusing on what was in front of her to around herself, just at the right time to see Wynn fall to his death. She cringed automatically and looked away, focusing back on the steering wheel. Her mind immediately jumped to Ryder. He was going to have a hard time with this. She sighed. They both lost people dear to them today. Maybe that made them more fit to be leaders? She slammed on the breaks abruptly, giving Kraven a solemn salute as he jumped off. He was right. The sun was rearing it`s ugly head. They had been this way all night long.

She then heard Ryder`s roar. Jo inhaled deeply. She knew his feelings all too well. At this point, she was grotesquely familiar with it. Now that the Pimp Mobile was stopped, she wouldn`t let Ryder stand alone. "I`m helping him." She commented to Jade, opening the door to the Pimp Mobile and already knocking out one footmen with the action. She jumped out, kicking outward and landing on another`s face. She grabbed another footman, shoved his head between the Pimp Mobile and it`s door, and slammed it closed. She was going to have fun with this; completely unarmed, with never ending canon fodder. With the biggest smirk on her face, she walked out into the Inquisitor`s troops as well, brutally beating them all with just her bare hands and a determined mindset.  

Jo and Claus theme - The State of Dreaming
Emu Queen
Emu Queen
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Post  The Hidden Spring Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:07 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 A0d621cd0369fd3cf83a2ddcb20f069d2a8c183c_zps7c3d462f


They were far, but Bunny had to try. They already took most everything from them...home and such. But, she had to try. She got into a controlled state, the others thought she retreated. She lined up her scoope, and carefully aimed her line. She was aiming for Code Talker. She stroked the trigger, and finally fired for his back, another shot rang, heading for the knee, another shot rang, heading for the head.


Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Untitled-3
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Amazing Pan-Sensei Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:19 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Inquiistor_zps149bbbb3

The Inquisitor
Mastermind : Inmate-X

The Inquisitor watched the pimp mobile stop in front of his blimp, what were they planning on doing from down there? They couldn't possibly reach him or even shoot at him this high up "And what are you planning on doing!? Its over idiots! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THIS WORKS!?" the man yelled in a fit of rage, he just couldn't stand those guys breaking the rules of HIS game. Then he saw Kraven knock down Code Talker, and Jade pull a rocket launcher "Wait.... WHAT!?" oh crap oh crap oh crap. THEY WERE GOING TO SHOOT HIS ASS DOWN. He heard Jade yell at the Inquisitor, taunt him. The Inquisitor was almost motionless in fear, tears streaming down his eyes, he couldn't die this way
"JO! JADE! I SWEAR I WILL HAVE YOUR SIMPLE MINDED HEADS ON A PLATTER! I'LL KILL YOU BOTH! I'LL HAUNT YOU!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. And then blam, the rocket was fired, it hit the blimp "No... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" he screamed, it couldn't end this way! The Inquisitor got on a ladder down to the control room of the blimp as it slowly descended "I WILL NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT!!!!" he screamed "I'M BETTER THAN YOU! IT CANNOT BE THIS WAY! I'M BETTER! BETTER! BETTER! THIS IS NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE! I'LL TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!" he screamed, the man started to pilot the blimp. He slowly started to descend it towards the pimp mobile, if he was going to die... HE WOULD TAKE RYDER, JO, AND JADE WITH HIM! The Inquisitor brought the blimp down towards them, and spoke through the speakers of the blimp "HAHAHAH! YOU FOOLS! FOOLS! FOOLS! SIMPLETONS! I'M BETTER THAN YOU! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO BEAT ME! NO ONE WINS! PERFECT! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH! HA!" but then, the blimp slowly floated narrowly over the car, it completely missed them "What...? No... No... NOOOOO!" he screamed as the blimp headed towards Kraven, Code Talker, and Ivy. The Inquisitor continued to cry, it couldn't end this way, he COULD NOT KILL THOSE TWO! HE NEEDED TO KILL THOSE TWO!" the man dropped to the floor of the control room, crying his eyes out "I-I-it... can't... end this way! GOD PLEASE!!!!" and then the blimp crashed down into Baker Street, right into Kraven's battle with Code Talker, along with Ivy. Kraven simply smiled, having the time of his life as the bimp came straight down at him, he didn't give a shit, he was having a hell of a time.
"Let's play a game...!"
Inquisitor Theme - Twisted Nerve

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  Not Manchee Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:20 am

Just Ivy

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 6cd629a9-5453-4ffe-87e2-f2f0e340ee85_zps14bcc886

Ivy was still retreating, but she had gotten distracted along the way: she had dropped Hank in the confusion. As she searched through the retreating crowd for the plant that was like a child to her, Ivy seemed to get left behind...


There didn't seem to be many people left, but she was still caught in the crowd of still-attacking Inquisitor-faction-ers.

"Hank! Hank!"

She was calling out, expecting the monstrous plant to reply in any way so she could find him and go back before she got in trouble for disobeying Ryder. She briefly spotted Wynn and stopped, shocked. Had he just...died? What? She actually thought she might be imagining things, up until the point that Kraven yelled and she could hear Ryder going berserk, but if Wynn had died, she didn't want Hank to suffer the same fate.
The greenette was still searching frantically and killing as many Inquisitor men as she could when she saw a shadow overhead and looked up to see the blimp, meant for the Vulture and Worm leaders, heading directly for her.

"Well...this is awkward."

She muttered, staring at the blimp intently as it approached. It was moving to fast for her to get away in time...there was no way she was gonna escape this...At this point, she looked down for a moment. She was going to die.
Looking back up at the blimp, she couldn't help but smile...

Duzão, Jack, that random girl I didn't give a shit about, even...Wynn...I'm coming...

And somehow, this was a fitting last thought for her. She did not shed a single tear for the life she was about to lose, instead she smiled at her impending death, her only regrets being that she didn't marry Ryder and didn't get to give Hank one last hug.
Finally, right before the impact of the blimp, the green-haired lunatic threw her hands up in the air, not seeming to feel the pain of the wounds caused by the battle she had just fought.


She shrieked, her voice echoing across Baker Street, finally overpowered by the sound of the crash. And Ivy was gone, crushed along with the nameless foot soldiers.
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Post  The Hidden Spring Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:33 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 A0d621cd0369fd3cf83a2ddcb20f069d2a8c183c_zps7c3d462f


Bunny saw the whole thing. Did...they win...? Was the Inquisitor dead? She didn't know. She repeled down the building, retracting the line and running toward the wreckage. "RYDER! IVY! KRAVEEEEEEEN!" she yelled, hoping for some ungoldly reason they were okay...but in her mind, they were dead. She sprinted as fast as she could.


Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Untitled-3
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Post  Akikazemoon Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:35 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Ryder9_zps33e29a5f

Ryder Mercy
-Code Name: Curveball-

Ryder was still brutally beating the foot soldiers when suddenly, the blimp came sailing down towards them...and missed. His line of sight followed it, up until he saw where it would land...and he saw a small girl, with wild green hair, her arms stretched to the heavens...just before the blimp came crashing down.
His breath stopped. He felt like his lungs wouldn't work. He felt like they never would again. And as he finally managed to breathe again, it came out as one, single strangled cry,
He felt his legs give way, and he fell to his knees. His eyes became blank as he stared. The tears continued to stream down his face as he sat there among the corpses of the Inquisitor foot soldiers, the bat slowly rolling out of his now limp hand. His mouth moved as if to speak, but no words came out. He hadn't saved anyone. He'd...failed...
His gaze didn't leave the blimp wreckage. He was rooted to the spot...staring...just staring...

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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  MochaLatte Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:37 am

Jade Fentom

Codename: Doctor Feel Good

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Tumblr_m5yvtowljg1r64nhlo1_500

"Do what you see fit." Jade said allowing Jo to go while Jade kicked people off of the car. When the blimpwent over them Jade smiled. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU MISSED! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO FAIL! TO NEVER AGAIN FEEL THE WARM SUN ON YOUR FACE! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU THREATEN WORM! WHEN YOU THREATEN THE FUTURE RULER OR THIS WORLD!" Jade shouted with maniacal laughter. Then he stopped laughing, he saw Kraven, his eyes went wide and saw then he heard Fuck You Gumby. "Ivy?" he remembered that girl. He almost had sex with her, but decided not to because he was afraid that she carried diseases of some kind. The blimp crashed and Jade covered his eyes. "KRAVEN!" he called as he jumped out of the car. The girl was also dead... Tat same girl who yelled about Battery Acid in his face, that he met in the Black Market that one day. He didn't want to admit it but that little green haired bitch held a special place in his heart. She was a funny little thing... And now she was gone, and it seemed to have a huge effect on Ryder... Then there was Kraven, a man that he grew to respect and cheated death so many times. Maybe there was a chance. Jade began to run over to the blimp. He will not believe that Kraven was dead until he saw the body! There was just no way!

"My name is Doctor Fentom. If you want to know WHO I am then know this... I rape people... And then I take care of them for the next time we meet... Is that enough or do you want an example. Cause I see the perfect opportunity right in front of me."
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Post  Not Manchee Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:49 am

Right beside the wreckage lay a large plant pot, toppled over and broken, the mutated plant known as Hank half blown-up on the ground. It was still moving, apparently chewing on one of the corpses' arms, but he was the plant-equivalent of "injured". As he heard Ryder calling his owner's name, the plant seemed to stop chewing and lift it's "head" for a second, before dropping again, since it did not have enough energy to keep doing anything else.
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Post  Inspector Lestrade Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:04 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Bloodyclaws

Victor Maximoff

The Ripper

Victor smirked and set his plan into motion. He twisted and let the knife stab into the ground before he kicked Akuryo away,"Nice chatting with you"He said as he ran for a wall, kicking himself off t=it and grabbing onto the ledge,"But I really must be going now, from the sounds out here I'd say you have lost."He said as he clambered his way out and looked out on the battlefield,"JADE!"He shouted as he booked it away from the pit Akuryo had dragged him into.
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Post  Emu Queen Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:06 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Joeventedit_zpsb278a6d2

i`d give my life
not for honor, but for you
in my time, there will be no one else


Jo was grabbing an Inquisitor footman by the head, cracking his head open on her raised knee as she heard the Inquisitor`s cries. She couldn`t help but smile. It remained, even as his blimp was piloted towards the Pimp Mobile, which she was currently standing next too. Within a week, she lost her best friend and her husband. Her world view had been changed in a single night. She was ready for death. She put her hand over her heart to feel it`s ferocious beating; at the same time, checking to see if Jack`s letter and Claus` engagement ring were still on her person. They were. She`d be able to join them now. A single tear escaped her eye. She felt overpowered by her battling emotions. She felt a sudden sense of tranquility. Jo watched the blimp head for her. She began to close her eyes peacefully, but then it turned.

And then, of course, she heard that unmistakable voice. 'Fuck you, Gumby!' Jo`s heart stopped, her breath caught in her throat, her eye widened. No. No, no. A blood-curdling scream of her name from Ryder confirmed it. Ivy was gone. The girl whom she saw as her own daughter, gone. She thought she left with everyone else. Why wasn`t she on that stupid truck? Jo`s head fell into her hands as she began to sob. "Ivy...." She planned to mourn later. She really did. Mourn for the poor, broken man that she loved dearly and slaughtered with her own hands, and now the precious little crazed green hair girl whom she saw in the place of her own child. But she couldn`t. "...Ivy..! I`m so sorry..." If she was just a little faster. Just a little more cautious. She, too, fell to her knees. She was surrounded by either fleeting footmen, or dead footmen. She sobbed; blood mixed tears perluding from her eye patch, since her tear ducts were still intact. She knew what had to be done. She was back with her Vultures; out of the Inquisitor`s clutches for good. She had to be a leader.

Jo forced herself back onto her feet. She walked among the scatter corpses, watching them as she passed by. Her eyes landed on Ryder, and she took in a few shaky breaths. She didn`t know what to say to him. So, why say anything at all? The blunette kneeled next to him, pulling the redhead into a tight hug. She didn`t want to mourn alone. She didn`t want to feel alone for another second. "...I`m sorry for calling you an assface..." She said, silent tears still pouring from her eye.  

Jo and Claus theme - The State of Dreaming
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Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Empty Re: Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned)

Post  The Hidden Spring Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:14 am

Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 A0d621cd0369fd3cf83a2ddcb20f069d2a8c183c_zps7c3d462f


Bunny ran to find everything was in flames.
"Fuck!" she yelled, as they were intense as shit. She tried, oh god did she try, to lift part of the blimp off Ivy. "FUCK YOU GUMBY! DON'T TAKE MY ROOMIE AWAY!" she yelled, trying, only to burn her hand in the process. She kept trying though, using her metal hand, her fake skin melting away...looked fucking weird. "I'll...I'm gonna save you! Fuck if I'm going to let you die! First Wynn...not you...FUCK NO!" she said, trying to get Ivy's corpse out from under the burning wreck. She didn't know Ivy very well, but when Bunny was near death, she cared. When Bunny was hurt by Jade, Ivy cared. SHe thought for a second that maybe battery acid meant a special type of alcohol...she would never know now. She glanced and saw Hank, looking at the plant. That just made it worse...she HAD to save Ivy now...for Hank!


Inner City // Baker Street (Wreckage/Abandoned) - Page 27 Untitled-3
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